Man, I love me some Local Natives. I really want to check out new covers or something though. These new, temporary arrangements are great, but come on -- new songs! Please!
Finally got around to checking out Mumford & Sons. Some call it folk rock music. I can see that... It sure has some banjo on it. Some pretty and poetic bits sprinkled all about as well. The lead singers voice was growing on me until someone just mentioned that he sounds a bit like Dave Matthews. *Audio: Slide whistle fall*
Anyway - very worthwhile stuff as long as you can wash the DMB comment out of your ears.
This is without a doubt, the best music video I've seen all year. Not only is the song infectiously fun, the video is amazingly surreal -- not to mention -- not so safe for work. Carl Sagan, look what you've done! You inspired something, sir. I hope you are proud of yourself. I would be...
And the winner for Best Music Video of 2010 is... El Guincho "Bombay"
Ever wonder what a desperate attempt to represent Italians in the Christmas TV specials / song traditions of the world would sound like? Behold! Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey
If you ever wanted to know what an awesome YouTube channel looks like... you should go here. What an amazing John Lennon collection. Holy obsession. What a remarkable set of obscure home records, interviews, performances, etc. Just fantastic. I've been sifting through his home demos, and must say - it's amazing to get such a intimate view of this seminal artist and his life. Hell - he has the full Rolling Stone interview after The Beatles broke up. He's got loads on stuff. It's overwhelming and beautiful. It's gems like these and collectors like Neil who make me super grateful that the internet exists.